Balance the earth by compensating your CO2  emissions

Restore equilibrium by funding the acceleration of rerecycled projects in material production. Obtain your CO2 emissions certificate for carbon projects that make an immediate impact today.

KWOTA calculator

Calculate the cost of your CO2 footprint or the desired amount you would like to compensate. Or request a demo to see how you can integrate KWOTA to your service offering.

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Join a club of heroes

Transparent effective and economically viable carbon savings.

What our valued partner has to say

51% of CO₂ emissions are related to material production

Replacing 1 tonne of raw materials with 1 tonne of recycled materials would prevent CO₂ emissions by roughly 1 tonne. Our role is to verify the production value chain and ensure secondary materials are increased and used in production for valuable carbon savings.

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Your all in one carbon savings dashboard with revenues, value chains and certification

A great way to increase your environmental contribution without a hit on your profits

Establish unique business opportunities with KWOTA partners

Most importantly, be the pioneer in an era of crucial resource management

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How the KWOTA process works

Material producers mainly use virgin materials (i.e., wood and wood fibers) as production input
Exchange virgin materials used in production, replacing them with recycled materials
KWOTA records the increased use of recycled materials in production
KWOTA validates the total CO2 emissions reduced to increased circularity
KWOTA creates high-quality carbon credits based on the verified CO2 reductions
ESG-driven company compensating their CO2 footprint or embed KWOTA climate solutions to their product offering
KWOTA records all transactions as every credit is provided a unique ID which can never be changed
KWOTA forwards payments to  producers to further increase secondary material usage further reducing CO2 emissions
Companies purchasing credits are provided certification for the compensation of their carbon footprint

How my compensation makes a difference

KWOTA’s mission is to support material producers for their impact on recycled reuse of materials such as plastic and paper. Despite the efforts made by producers - using recycled materials over virgin materials for production is a lengthy and costly process. Your contribution accelerates this.


We verify the total reuse of recycable materials and the total CO₂ reduced


Create carbon savings credits which is sold to individuals and businesses looking to compensate their CO₂ footprint


The compensation is then returned to the producer to reinvest into more recycable materials

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KWOTA's immediate impact on emissions

Be the change for a cleaner future tomorrow

Over 100 billion tonnes of materials are producer every year. Contributing to 51% of total man-made carbon emissions

Only 7.2% of materials are globally recycled for production, and the current reuse trend is at a negative trajectory

Tree planting sounds great, but it can take 15 to 20 years to make an immediate impact. CO2 will only continue to rise

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Carbon Reduction Monthly Reports

Get monthly reports on your CO₂ reductions and share it with all your stakeholders and customers.

Our Standard

KWOTA Standard is the first global standard for digital verification of CO₂ reduction from material recycling and increased circularity in the voluntary carbon market. KWOTA Standard, procedures and methodologies reflect the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) principles for life cycle assessment (LCA) and greenhouse gas emissions quantification.

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Frequently Asked Questions

General Enquiries & Information

How is the baseline set, and for how long is it valid?

The secondary material baseline is unique to the relevant Production Facility and its supply chain, and it depends on the recycled
secondary material and on the historical and projected activity data. It is renewed regularly and at least after three years. A secondary material baseline is recalculated and renewed when a significant change in the relevant supply chain is set up, i.e. a new production line.

Is there any risk of data leakage?

KWOTA can assure that all data is confidential to any third party. The data is used only by KWOTA for analyses and calculations to create carbon credits. Protecting our partner's data is a top priority for us. Data is securely stored only in Amazon Web Services, which meets the highest security compliance policies. Communication with KWOTA’s servers is encrypted; only authorised users can access the data.

How long are the carbon credits valid?

KWOTA creates carbon credits based on a verified CO₂ reduction at the Production Facilities. Carbon credits will expire two years after the creation date and are, therefore only available for sale for three years.

Who audited KWOTA Standard and processes?

KWOTA Standard and verification process were successfully audited by KPMG Baltics OÜ in autumn 2022.
The audit report includes the assessment of KWOTA processes’ compliance with the KWOTA Standard and greenhouse gas removal calculation methodology compliance to standard ISO 14064:2019.
Greenhouse gas reduction and carbon credits calculation analysis was carried out in cooperation with KPMG and Nomine Consult OÜ, which is the only EVS-EN ISO 14065 accredited verifier in Estonia.

What is double-counting?

Double-counting is any situation in which the same GHG emission reduction or carbon dioxide removal is counted, claimed, or credited more than once. Double-counting includes double issuance, double use, and double claiming.
Double issuance is any situation in which the same GHG emission reduction or carbon dioxide removal is credited by two or more projects, or through two or more GHG programs. To avoid double issuance of credits, Producers have to confirm that they have not signed or are going to sign an agreement with another carbon crediting service provider and/or platform to issue credits for the same GHG reduction project. KWOTA has added this as a separate paragraph in its Terms of Service agreement, which is obligatory for all Producers.
Double use is any situation where a GHG emission reduction or carbon dioxide removal or GHG-related benefit is further sold, transferred, retired, used, or canceled after having already been retired or used. To avoid double use of credits, KWOTA will retire sold credits immediately on behalf of the credit buyer and record it in the public KWOTA registry.
Double claiming is any situation in which the same GHG emission reduction or carbon dioxide removal is credited or claimed by more than one entity towards separate mitigation targets or emissions inventories. Double claiming includes when a GHG emission reduction or carbon dioxide removal is credited under a GHG crediting program and the same emission reductions and removals or GHG-related benefits are also credited or claimed under an emission trading program, binding emissions limit, or GHG-related environmental credit system. To avoid double claiming, KWOTA has taken an approach of contribution claims and supporting mitigation activities beyond the value chain using the guidance of the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) and Oxford Offsetting Principles.

How does KWOTA ensure no double counting?

KWOTA has implemented several measures to ensure the prevention of double-counting or double-selling of CO₂ savings:

1. Credit Creation and Tracking: KWOTA generates carbon credits exclusively for verified additional CO₂ savings, and each carbon credit is meticulously recorded in the KWOTA registry with a unique serial number.

2. Material Producer's Confirmation: Before carbon credits are issued, the material producer must confirm that these CO₂ savings have not been directly or indirectly listed for sale elsewhere or already sold through other registries or carbon markets.

3. Immediate Retirement: When a company purchases KWOTA carbon credits, they are promptly retired and marked as such in the registry. This immediate retirement eliminates any chance of double-counting and prevents any potential reselling or double-claiming. KWOTA carbon credits can only be sold once.

4. Restrictions on Use: Companies that voluntarily acquire carbon credits from KWOTA are restricted from deducting these CO₂ savings from their own carbon footprint or making claims such as "carbon-neutral" or "emission-free" for themselves or their products. They can use the carbon credits as additional mitigation activities or climate finance beyond their value chain.

5. KWOTA carbon credits are not designed for offsetting: they represent contribution claims, aligning with best practices recommended by SBTi (Science-Based Targets initiative) and Oxford Offsetting Principles. Consequently, companies must maintain transparency regarding their own carbon footprint and communicate KWOTA carbon credits solely as an additional, voluntary contribution to climate action and the circular economy. These practices also align with the EU's Green Claims Directive, which emphasizes transparency in reporting and prohibits offsetting.

What type of claims are ok to make?

KWOTA is against any double-counting, double-claiming and greenwashing. Therefore we have prepared a simple and short list of main principles regarding claims for our customers:

1. monitor and evaluate regularly your company’s or products’ carbon footprint and find ways to make it more circular and climate-friendly;

2. Be transparent and honest in communicating about your products, sustainability, social values, governance and carbon footprint, and in making environmental claims;

3. Don’t just set long-term goals and wait for the technology or silver bullet, instead take immediate action today and contribute to as many SDGs as possible;

4. Do not hide or offset your carbon footprint, instead find ways to reduce it efficiently and use KWOTA tokens for additional contribution or compensation that goes beyond your own value chain;

5. Report clearly and openly about your own carbon footprint, progress towards net-zero and additional contributions and actions such as contributing to circularity via KWOTA tokens.

Consumer Enquires

Is it expensive to compensate my CO2? (Individual compensation)

No, it costs as much as one cup of coffee to compensate 1 month of driving.

How does circularity reduce CO2 emissions?

1. When materials are recycled instead of being discarded, it reduces the need to extract, process and manufacture new materials. Meaning fewer greenhouse gases are emitted in the production process, as energy and resources are conserved.
2. Circularity can reduce emissions associated with waste disposal. Waste in landfills can produce methane - a potent greenhouse gas. Recycling can dramatically reduce this.
3. Circularity can reduce emissions associated with transportation. When materials are sources, processed and manufactured locally, it reduces the need to transport them long distance (via ship, plane etc.)

Why aren't producers recycling in the first place?

To your surprise, many within Europe are doing their best to recycle. However it's at their own cost. Recycling is much more expensive and lengthy than using virgin materials. Many production plants will work at a loss if relying on recycled materials. This is why KWOTA developed a platform to validate and standardise the amount recycled. Try our self service dashboard to see your impact.

Why should I compensate?

If you own a car, you are emitting on average 2 tons of CO2 per month. The equivalence of one 7 seater SUV. Owning an electric vehicle may not be a viable option for you just yet, but you can take accountability and fund projects that can make a difference for you.